Saturday, November 21, 2009


Saturday, November 21, 2009 1






就像房屋被大火烧光一样 什么都没有留下来 剩下的就只是残缺不全的回忆和不堪的伤痕


就要在希望破灭的地方 重建希望

就像要在房屋被烧成平地的地方 重建房屋

这是很难的 因为要让伤痕磨灭 并不时想起残缺不全的回忆 就只是痛苦和煎熬


Saturday, November 7, 2009

my extremely childish bro~~

Saturday, November 7, 2009 4
my bro is very very childish~~ and my sis always will scold him for his stupid but funny action~~

during his primary school time which is also our primary school time
that time is very popular of those nokia hp 3310 and other non-color screen hp~~
and my mum is mumbling herself there~~
为什么这些电话的银幕和零件酱会生毛毛(means 灰尘或细小的毛毛)
然后我和妹妹想了想 还是不会回答我妈~~
结果 突然间 我弟弟 回答说

when he is in form 3 we help him took one photo

he use the chinese dumpling leaf to put on his head~~他真的很傻bai~~~

during another time we go out by our car~~
我坐在前面的座位 忘了带安全带(didn put on seatbelt)
然后 我弟弟讲我
“大姐 你忘了带安全套(didn put on condom)“
就这样 我们全车都笑到不行

this is another photo taken during his secondary school
he took his own POST and the photo is taken

he sit on a toy car which is edy broken down
he knows that i m going to take his childish photo
then he still purposely do some POST to take the photo

结果 他今天又做了一个事情
他在我学院 那里摆了一架很大的风扇(通常是在那些没有风扇设备的展览会用到的)
他跑去风扇前面 做了扎马步 左右手都比了“七“的手势
还要慢慢把手从胸前打出去(象打太极酱 wee howe bro got do this in one video clip-in wee howe blog)
而且很像前面的风太大 所以那个太极手势很用力才打出去

那时候 那里有很多学院生在那儿~~ 他都能这样做~~
ai~~~是真的受不了他的childish 哦

他还自称"傻老SSI" O_O
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